Thursday, August 28, 2008

Off to Lifelight tomorrow and other things

I can not believe that it's Labor Day weekend already! It seems summer was just beginning, we were anticipating court, planning our vacation, even dreading what might happen with Cassie for three long months of me working and her being on her own. Well, we've made it to the other side with nothing horrible happening. I've heard that 90% of what we worry about never comes to pass. It's the other 10% that worry me! (pun intended lol). But really, it never ceases to amaze me how fast summer flies by.

So while we say goodbye to summer, vacation, carefree, sometimes-schedule free days, sleeping in on occasion, summer sunshine and all of the other summer stuff, we here in the Mohlenbrock household send summer out with a bang! We head to Lifelight Festival in Sioux Falls tomorrow. Most of you have heard me go on endlessly about Lifelight and how much fun we have at it, how awesome it is, but in case you haven't heard, let me tell you. :-) Lifelight is the largest FREE Christian music festival in the nation. A couple of hundred THOUSAND people attend and listen to band after band after band on four different stages. Our favorite is the Souled Out stage which features more "edgy" bands like Family Force 5, Skillet, Grits, etc...rock, rap, krunk, any genre that's not "mainstream". More "normal" artists like Michael W. Smith, Casting Crowns and Natalie Grant will be on the mainstage. There's also a kids' stage and a gospel stage, but I can honestly say I've never personally heard anyone playing on those stages...just not what we go for.

After the mud-nightmare of two years ago, we're ready to try camping again. Not in the South Dakota field this time though, we're staying at a KOA in Sioux Falls and driving in to the festival every day. I just wasn't willing to risk getting stuck in 6 inches of mud in the middle of the night again. That and they were full up at the festival camping itself. That's ok...there's 7 of us going this year and we'll have fun with our open fire pit (not allowed on the festival grounds), 24-hour/day showers (limited hours and not enough showers on the festival grounds) and quiet hours for those of us who are old enough to want to sleep at all. I personally am hoping to stay up late both nights at the late-night praise and worship sessions they're hosting this year. There's nothing like worshiping the King of Kings with hundreds of Christian brothers and sisters late into the night. In case you can't tell...I LOVE LIFELIGHT!!!!!! I believe this is our 5th or 6th year attending as a family. Next year they are starting a second festival in Colorado and maybe we'll try out the new location for something new. We'll see. That costs a lot more money to travel that far...

Speaking of money, I hate the government! OK, hate might be a little strong, but they sure frustrate me! We are on MinnesotaCare (which I am grateful for, otherwise we wouldn't have any medical insurance at all), but were up for renewal this last month. I sent in our income information, they sent a letter asking for more info (paystubs I'd already submitted!), I faxed that to them with my cell number in case they had more questions, they sent me another letter for more information, I faxed that to them. Finally today, August 28th, I get the information on our new premium. I opened the letter and couldn't believe my eyes...they TRIPLED our premium! We were paying $116 and now, with 24 hours left in the fiscal month to pay it, we have to come up with another $225 and pay $341! Like we have an extra $225 laying around. If we did, we probably wouldn't need to be on MinnesotaCare at all! Not to mention the fact that we don't have an extra $225 ANY month of the year! I panicked, started crying, called and questioned them on it, only to be treated like I was stupid for not understanding how it could TRIPLE when our income certainly didn't triple! We have hit the income bracket where we make too much to qualify for any assistance, but don't make enough to actually survive and pay all our bills. I love how they "reward" hard work. We'd be better off if I quit my job! As is stands, we no longer qualify for reduced-lunches either.

Anyway, I still don't know what we're going to do. With Cassie's issues, I certainly can't NOT pay it and not have insurance at all. We see a psychologist weekly, a psychiatrist monthly and have daily anti-depressents to buy now, plus the meds that Dar is on daily. I'm trying very hard to not worry, but it's hard to stop my brain from working overtime. I came home from work and after the millionth time of realizing I was still worrying the problem over in my head, put on praise music. It's hard to worry when you're praising Jesus! I've asked my Daddy (Pappa...God) for some help, and now I have to wait and see what He says. I'm hoping He'll take pity on us, open up the storehouses of heaven and give us a little extra every month so we can pay our bills. After all, He does own the cattle on a thousand hills and is the Creator of Heaven and Earth, so He's definitely ABLE to help. Now we just have to find out if it's His will, or if there is major lesson that we have to learn through all this first.

Speaking of lessons learned...Cassie finished her 5th and last day of Community Service this week. She's still got a few months of probation as well as another court date coming up for getting busted at Treemendous Park last month. She's also still got to take the tobacco class and the cognitive skills class. She's only earned $20 toward her $120 in court fees/fines, but she's looking for another job. I'm praying she finds one soon.

Anyway...I've spent way too long on this update. I've got packing to do! What am I thinking?!? LOL

Love you all...see you after Lifelight!


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