Thursday, February 25, 2010

8 months?!?

Has it really been 8 months since I've last posted? Wow! I couldn't even BEGIN to catch up!

OK, in a nutshell...since then I've:

...Started back to college for a degree in Graphic Design (LOVING IT!)

...watched my daughter move past her rebellious years. And, while still feisty as ever, she is growing up to be a strong, amazing young lady and I'm VERY proud of how far she's come!

...brought my son to a psychologist to deal with his depression and anxiety BEFORE it turns into a huge problem, he's been diagnosed with ADD and is on the same medication as my daughter. I'm comfortable with the diagnosis b/c his psychologist took over a year to make it, so he really knows my son and his personality and the challenges he faces

...continued to sing on the Worship Team at church and I'm LOVING IT! Really learning to push past the complacency and apathy that get in my face EVERY TIME I sing for the Lord, and enter into His presence. He is so amazing!

...quit drinking completely! I've not had one drop since the end of November. God made it very clear that I had a choice to make. Him and worshipping Him, or alcohol. Um, no "moment to think" needed there! The decision for Him was made before the question was completely out of His mouth! He wins over everything, hands down. I've not regretted that decision once and am loving how He's growing me in Him since then. (Dar made the same decision as me and I love that we're on the same team!)

...joined with my sister. She's lost 25 pounds and I've lost 18 since December 26th! I've gone down two shirt sizes and one jeans size. Wow! I never thought I could do it, but having a Panda partner sure makes it easier! Accountability! I feel better and have more energy, and that's WAY more important than clothing sizes!

Can't think of anything else to say at the moment, so I guess that's it. I'll try and blog again before another 8 months is up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea! Good to see a fresh blog! Loving you, loving what he is doing in your life, loving how you share your blessings with us all!