Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Still going specific prayer request

Well, since I got reprimanded today for not updating, I better get to it! :-)
I can't believe it's been since June 18th that I've updated last. That's a whole week!
Things are still going well. We met today with Brooke from the probation department at Nicollet County. She met with Cassie first for about an hour and Cass had to answer a whole bunch of questions. Then it was my turn. The appointment started at 3:30 and we got out of there about 5:15! They asked me questions like, how do I feel about everything that Cassie's done, what do I think she's learned from it, how are things going now, what are my concerns, what would I like to see the probation dept and courts do for us, etc.
We had a great talk about everything. Brooke said she sees Cassie as a good kid who is a little messed up right now. She may be doing these things because of the mental illness, to look "cool" and be accepted, for the "rush" that comes with the activities, or a combination of them all. I tend to agree with the combination theory. Brooke said that she can't think of a single thing that she normally suggests to parents that we're not already doing. She also said that we're the most "on the ball" parents she's worked with. Wow! Did that make me feel good! It reminds me of a Scripture verse that God gave me last week:
Isaiah 26: 12-13 ~ Lord, You establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished You have done for us and Your name alone do we honor.
It's all Him folks. It's all God. We'd be LOST without Him (pun intended! lol) Every day of peace comes from Jesus. Every moment of joy comes from God. Every single thing we are doing right as parents is because the Holy Spirit is leading us. So while I really needed to hear that compliment from a county official, and it definitely lifted my parent-esteem, I am constantly, forever aware that we are where we are because of God and we give Him all the credit and honor and glory for it!
And while I'm so grateful for the peaceful weeks we're having, I am constantly aware that my daughter is walking in rebellion against God Himself. As long as she refuses to turn her life over to Him, to acknowledge His Sovereignty in her life and admit her need for a Savior, she is walking in rebellion. So my number one prayer is that she would return to faith in Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. Please join me in that prayer. As wonderful as these weeks have been, they cannot bring me complete joy until she is walking in faith again. I believe she will return to Him and pray constantly for that day.
I'm back to work in full force. My boss is on "vacation" this week. Actually, she's at RFKC camp, a camp that our church sponsors for abused and neglected children. The concept is that while we can't do anything about their home life, we can bring them to this camp for one week and shower them with the love of Jesus. They get a collective "birthday party" because most of them have never had one. They get to play dress-up and sports and go swimming and just be kids for an entire week. There's one counselor for every two kids and they just get loved on! It's awesome and my boss is one of the counselors. I think it's so cool that many of the counselors give up a week of their vacation time from work to be at the camp.
Anyway, with her gone, I've gotten to work full time all this week, and I'll be doing it again next week while I cover for the woman who works the front desk. It's a lot for this mom who is used to working 20-23 hours/week. The extra money is a blessing, however, so I just thank God that I have a job that I love and I get to work extra these next two weeks. to bed. It's been a LOOOoooooonnnngggg week and my head is ready to hit the pillow!
Love ya'll! Thanks again and still for your prayers.

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